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SMSC Chapter 7 - Key Performance Indicators and Licensing concepts

     First attempt Message Delivery Attempts (MDA)

Total number of fresh message delivery attempts in a second towards network for all new SMS received from application. This is one of the common parameters widely used to license SMSC as it has direct impact on the system resource utilization. Vendors may provide options of fixed throughput or variable throughput ranging within a limit to utilize the delivery channel in full.

·    Retry attempts MDA

Total number of retry message delivery attempts in a second towards network for all pending messages for retry. Usually this is decided based on the delivery success rate trend. 

SMSC Chapter 7 -  Key Performance Indicators and Licencing concepts


·    SMPP Window size (AOMT)

Total number of messages which can be accepted from external applications without sending any response. This is usually used to limit the maximum number of SMS that can be submitted by application.

·    Number of client account and Sessions per account

Total number of external application / clients allowed to connect to SMSC simultaneously.  Usually SMSC accepts multiple connections / sessions on the same account. This parameter is generally used as license parameter to limit the total number of connections from applications.

·    Total messages pending for Retry – MT

Total number of Mobile Terminated messages which are stored in Retry tables and pending for delivery. More the number of records greater is the storage space requirement and delivery attempt rate.  Usually this is also a license parameter where vendors set a limit on maximum number of messages that may be stored in retry table. On exceeding this limit, further delivery failed messages are not retried and dropped with a predefined response code.  Telecom operators share a trend of delivery success rate and set this value.

·    Total messages pending for Retry – AT

Total number of Application Terminated messages usually DSRs, which are stored for Retry and pending for delivery.  This parameter is usually set or licensed for external applications as storage requirement varies from each external application

·    Message Validity period

This parameter defines the maximum time a SMS is stored for retry and deleted once this time crosses. This may be used in conjunction with retry attempts. Greater the value, for longer period SMS to be stored and impacts the storage processing capacity.

·    Message Quota

Some SMSC support licensing total number of messages which may be sent during a particular period such as in a Day / Week / Month. After reaching this limit, further SMS from external application is not accepted.

