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SMSC Chapter 6 - Delivery Status Reports


What is DSR and its significance in SMSC

DSR is the acronym for Delivery Status Report. It is used by the source sending the SMS to collect information whether the SMS has either successfully for delivered the destination or the SMS was not delivered. It includes information on the message attempt status , timestamp , reason for unsuccessful delivery. Based on this information source will take decision whether to retry SMS submit

DSR for Application Originated SMS

Below flow diagram illustrates DSR message flow in AOAMT mode



  • External application binded to SMSC on SMPP protocol as transceiver submits a message using SUBMIT_SM operation to SMSC which includes info on source number, destination number, SMS content. SMSC on receiving the message and validation acknowledges with a SUBMIT_SM_RSP . A unique message ID is returned in SUBMIT_SM_RSP by SMSC .  In the Submit_SM ESME enables the flag registered_SMSC_delivery_receipt to inform SMSC to report the delivery status. If this is not enabled , SMSC does not generate DSR.
  • On SMS successful network delivery, DSR is generated by SMSC and is sent in the SMPP DELIVER_SM operation with message type as SMSC Delivery receipt.  The message content of the DELIVER_SM includes details of the message ID, delivery date attempted and the delivery status.  ESME based on msgID received in DSR matches with the one received with SUBMIT_SM_RSP to map DSR for respective message submitted. Sample DSR message content as below -

id:0013190522233138715752115 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:2205192331 done date:2205192331 stat:DELIVRD err:0 Text:

  • On SMS failure network delivery, DSR is generated by SMSC and is sent in the SMPP DELIVER_SM operation with message type as SMSC Delivery Receipt.  The message content of the DELIVER_SM includes details of the message ID , delivery date attempted , error details and the delivery status.  Sample DSR message content as below -
id:0013240522220938418583115 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:2205242209 done date:2205242209 stat:UNDELIV err:13 Text:System Error
